Application whitelisting is performed by Cerner and Application registration and API enabling is the responsibility of the client. Once the Application is whitelisted and registered with the API and becomes a trusted API consumer, its users may begin interacting with the API for health information. The client who elects to connect an Application is responsible for determining the capabilities of that Application for Privacy, Security, Accessibility, and functionality to patient / proxy users as appropriate for its use with the API as well as successful Application connection with the Technical Document. The Application may or may not be offered by a HIPAA business associate or be covered under HIPAA requirements.

Applications are encouraged to provide healthcare related capabilities for HIPAA including activity logging. The Application is responsible for managing user access to the Application and providing the patient and/or proxy user access to the API capabilities via accepting the Terms of Use and successfully connecting to the API in accordance with the Technical Document. A patient-proxy is a user who is expressly authorized by a patient to access his/her information. The overall goal is to provide patients and their proxies with greater access to their health information, via means to which they have affinity, to stimulate them to be actively engaged in their health.Īn Application is EHRT/HIT (electronic health record technology / health information technology) that provides capabilities to users who are or become patients and/or patient-proxies. The capability may encourage integration with a broader range of personal health management applications so that users can marry their health maintenance data with summary of care information such as medication lists, problem lists, and recent diagnostic results. For example, the capability may provide a means for portals to become portals of portals, accessing data from a variety of clinical systems, thus reducing the number of portals with which a patient interacts which may increase his affinity to the remaining portal. This capability might augment the client’s existing Patient Portal / Patient Engagement strategies. Cerner clients may select and connect whitelisted Application(s) designed to allow patients and their proxies to query Soarian Clinicals, via the API, for C-CDA (consolidated clinical document architecture) documents and/or Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) CCDS (common clinical data set) data categories that are represented as FHIR ® resources. The purpose of the API is to support patient engagement capabilities.